★ ★ ★ MASTERPOINT WINNERS ★ ★ ★ N/S Barry Laflam - Robert Sagor 58.57 1st A 1.02 Alan Peterfreund - Roberta Francis58.57 1st B 1.02 Allison Ryan - Robert Leitch 47.62 1st C 0.44 E/W Tim Joder - Yan Drabek 58.10 1st A 1.20 Sheila Ryan - Steve Peck 55.71 1st C 0.84 James Osofsky - Markus Wagner 53.81 2nd B 0.44
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Virtual Club Game - July 30, 2020
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Vitural Club Game - July 29, 2020
★ ★ ★ MASTERPOINT WINNERS ★ ★ ★ N/S James Osofsky - Robert Sagor 70.54 1st A 1.8 Paul Bacon - Philippe Galaski 62.5 2nd A 1.26 Barry Laflam - Yan Drabek 51.79 1st C 0.96 Margaret Winslow - Tim Joder 48.51 4th A 0.64 Elizabeth Lincoln - Marlene Myers47.62 2nd B 0.68 E/W Amanda Chohfi - Esther Bean 62.5 1st A 1.8 Muriel Dane - Myrna Butler 59.52 2nd A 1.26 Daniel Hoch - Roger Ketron 58.63 1st C 0.96 John Debaggis - Motoko Oinaga 55.95 2nd C 0.68
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
Virtual Game Results - July 28, 2020
★ ★ ★ MASTERPOINT WINNERS ★ ★ ★ N/S Philippe Galaski - Sheila Ryan 64.63 1st A 2.2 Margaret Winslow - Yan Drabek 61.93 2nd A 1.54 George Abbott - Liz Hildebrandt 54.26 1st C 1.1 David Rosnick - William Scott 51.96 2nd C 0.78 E/W Kurt Schneider - Markus Wagner 66.06 1st B 2.2 Alan Frank - James Osofsky 60.9 2nd A 1.54 Roger Webb - Tim Joder 59.89 3rd A 1.1 Judith Larsen - Steve Peck 52.94 1st C 0.78
Club Names | RESULTS | Contact Person | |
Northampton | Schedule | ACBL / CommonGame | rjsagor@gmail.com |
Pembury | Schedule | ACBL / CommonGame | Rogbert690@gmail.com |
Hartford | Schedule | ACBL / CommonGame | hartfordclub@sbcglobal.net |
* Nearby clubs are listed here for your convenience. |
Monday, July 27, 2020
Special Game This Thursday!
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Are You Missing Seeing Your Fellow Players?
Our club will start experimenting using Zoom's Breakroom feature when we play our Vitual Club Games. Anyone who is interested in seeing and conversing with other players will need to send Bob Sagor an email at rjsagor@gmail.com telling him so. Then you will receive an invitation to join our zoom session. The Zoom session will open 15 minutes before the game to allow socializing. During the game players will only see and be able to talk to the other players at their table. After the game there will be another short whole club meeting. For simplicity, Bob recommends to use a separate device such as an ipad or phone for the Zoom feature. Those facile with computers can run both BBO and Zoom on the same device by splitting the screen, but this is a level of complexity best left to individuals who know they can handle it.
Since the Zoom feature operates totally independently from the BBO games, players can opt out of the Zoom program without disturbing their game or anyone else’s.
There is an article about clubs using this feature in the July issue of the ACBL Bulletin on page 16.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Virtual Game Results, Wed July 22, 2020
★ ★ ★ MASTERPOINT WINNERS ★ ★ ★ N/S Philippe Galaski - Robert Sagor 59.52 1st A 1.35 Ornit Grossman - Walter Ruland 59.23 2nd A 0.95 Angela McDonough - John Castonguay 56.55 1st B 0.72 Gail Bleifer - Paula Dambrauskas 54.29 2nd B 0.51 Jan Nettler - Sheila Ryan 43.03 1st C 0.36 E/W Barbara Speight - Kathy Meyer 61.73 1st C 1.35 James Kronholm - Robert Leitch 60.97 2nd B 0.95 Motoko Oinaga - Yan Drabek 59.78 2nd C 0.68 Amanda Chohfi - Esther Bean 52.25 4th A 0.48
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Virtual Game Results - Tue July 21, 2020
★ ★ ★ MASTERPOINT WINNERS ★ ★ ★ N/S Alan Frank - James Osofsky 63.48 1st A 1.95 Margaret Winslow - Tim Joder 62.26 2nd A 1.37 Paul Bacon - Yan Drabek 56.47 3rd A 0.98 Allison Ryan - Richard McClure 55.51 1st C 0.96 Elizabeth Lincoln - Norann Coggins 54.53 2nd B 0.68 John Debaggis - Motoko Oinaga 52.55 2nd C 0.48 E/W Philippe Galaski - Roger Webb 69.28 1st A 1.95 Judith Hyde - Robert Sagor 57.35 2nd A 1.37 Constance Dube - Teresa Sedgwick 56.73 1st B 0.98 Harshad Patel - Wayne Peters 54.98 4th A 0.69 James Nowill - Susan McCoy 52.1 2nd B 0.68 David Rosnick - William Scott 49.93 1st C 0.48 Andrew Batchelor-Tim Bakker-Norton 45.08 2nd C 0.33
Club Names | RESULTS | Contact Person | |
Northampton | Schedule | ACBL / CommonGame | rjsagor@gmail.com |
Pembury | Schedule | ACBL / CommonGame | Rogbert690@gmail.com |
Hartford | Schedule | ACBL / CommonGame | hartfordclub@sbcglobal.net |
* Nearby clubs are listed here for your convenience. |
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Congratulations to Northampton Bridge Club Players Who Advanced in Rank
(reported by ACBL 04/01/20 - 07/01/20)
Andrew M Batchelor, Northampton MA
Kathy M Meyer, Amherst MA
Sally H Zigmond, Amherst MA
Dr Robert Leitch, Amherst MA Dr Alan Peterfreund, Amherst MA
Richard D McClure, Easthampton MA Susan K McCoy, Amherst MA
Dr Robert J Sagor, Greenfield MA