Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Masterpoint Race - Ending Aug 31, 2022

[Editor's Note] This report was compiled based on the ACBL Live Results for Northampton club games only for 2022. And only players who played at our club prior to the Covid-19 lock down or new players who joined the club play were included. Please report any discrepancies to Yan. To see past Masterpoint Race reports, click here.

1Tim Joder58.14
2Philippe Galaski56.70
3Liz Hildebrandt49.29
4Robert Sagor43.85
5Judith Hyde40.76
6Margaret Winslow37.87
7Yan Drabek35.82
8Roger Webb34.29
9Barry Laflam27.18
10Jan Nettler26.75
11Robert Leitch26.27
12Markus Wagner24.67
13Allison Ryan22.87
14James Osofsky19.62
15Sheila Ryan16.96
16James Kronholm16.85
17Alan Peterfreund16.69
18George Abbott14.57
19David Rosnick14.56
20James Nowill14.06
21Alice Shearer13.95
22Richard McClure13.11
23Michael Ramella10.63
24Howard Lerner10.57
25Steve Peck10.52
26Myrna Butler10.41
27Muriel Dane9.24
28Sonja Smith9.11
29Alan Frank8.95
30Jeannie Jones8.88
31J Goldsmith7.51
32Israel Koren7.22
33Robert Steinberg7.22
34Susan McCoy7.18
35William Scott7.00
36Fern Fleckman6.94
37Peggy Thieriot6.94
38Sharon Strassfeld6.60
39Anthony Segal6.53
40Harold Weiner6.24
41Esther Bean6.11
42Jean Johansson5.94
43Gail Perry4.10
44Valerie Haggerty4.03
45Anne McCune3.50
46Jesus Arias3.07
47Darlene Stone Adair2.80
48Laura Fluhr2.50
49Zachary Fluhr2.50
50John Pollard2.29
51Lanette Sweeney2.07
52Motoko Oinaga2.06
53Eric Morrissette1.97
54Robert Gerstle21.97
55Peter Thurrell1.84
56Sheila Terens1.80
57John Debaggis1.60
58Suzanne Cohen1.57
59Judith Gowdy1.53
60Judith Larsen1.46
61Ann Wroblewski1.46
63Jacqueline Kennedy0.98
64Mary Newman0.96
65Susan Radner0.96
66Judith McNutt0.96
67Dana Noble0.96
68Paul Bacon0.95
69Susan Edwards0.91
70Richard Cramer0.84
72B J Sanders0.80
73Elaine Van Briggle0.70
74Jon Schweitzer0.70
75Irene Friedman0.64
76Jane Fanning0.64
77Claire Christopherson0.56
78Joan Levinson0.56
79Patricia Roberts0.56
80Richard Woerner0.56
81Teresa Sedgwick0.54
82Carroll Beckham0.48
83Carole Spencer0.44
84Betty Youmans0.44
85Lesley Dearden0.39
86Elizabeth Singer0.22
87Mark Singer0.22
88Linda Michalopoulos0.14

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Online NAP - Tuesday, August 30, 2022

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results
Pair#	Names				A	B	C	Score	%	MasterPoints			
4	Paul Burnham - Sonja Smith	1			80.00	63.49	0.70 red (SA) 0.70 black (SA)
6	Myrna Butler - Esther Bean	2			70.50	55.95	0.49 red (SA) 0.49 black (SA)
1	Michael Ramella - Sharon Strassfeld		1	68.50	54.37	0.40 red (SC) 0.40 black (SC)
7	Gail Perry - Ann Wroblewski			2	62.00	49.21	0.28 red (SC) 0.28 black (SC)
2	Jan Nettler - Sheila Ryan				61.00	48.41	
5	Susan McCoy - Alice Shearer				52.50	41.67	
3	L. Mark Nelson - Judith Peck				46.50	36.90	
2	Robert Sagor - Judith Hyde	1			77.00	61.11	0.70 red (SA) 0.70 black (SA)
6	Roger Webb - Philippe Galaski	2			74.00	58.73	0.49 red (SA) 0.49 black (SA)
5	George Abbott - Liz Hildebrandt			1	68.00	53.97	0.40 red (SC) 0.40 black (SC)
1	Yan Drabek - Barry Laflam		2		64.50	51.19	0.28 red (SB) 0.28 black (SB)
7	Muriel Dane - Allison Ryan				57.00	45.24	
3	Anne McCune - James Nowill				55.50	44.05	
4	Peggy Thieriot - Fern Fleckman				45.00	35.71	

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Online NAP - Thursday, August 25, 2022

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results
Pair#	Names				A	B	C	Score	%	MasterPoints			
1	Israel Koren - Robert Steinberg			1	68.00	62.96	0.70 red (SC) 0.70 black (SC)
3	Stanley Tuhrim - Betty Mintz		2		55.50	51.39	0.49 red (SB) 0.49 black (SB)
4	Robert Leitch - Jan Nettler		3		53.50	49.54	0.30 red (SB) 0.30 black (SB)
6	Liz Hildebrandt - Philippe Galaski3			53.50	49.54	0.30 red (SA) 0.30 black (SA)
2	Esther Bean - Barry Laflam				52.00	48.15	
7	Alan Peterfreund - Robert Sagor				52.00	48.15	
5	Fern Fleckman - Peggy Thieriot				43.50	40.28

1	~~m39425 - ~~m39596					65.50	60.65	
2	Kurt Schneider - James Osofsky		1		62.00	57.41	0.70 red (SB) 0.70 black (SB)
3	Judith Hyde - Alice Shearer		2		52.50	48.61	0.49 red (SB) 0.49 black (SB)
7	Howard Lerner - David Rosnick			1	52.00	48.15	0.35 red (SC) 0.35 black (SC)
4	Muriel Dane - Allison Ryan				51.00	47.22	
6	Margaret Winslow - Tim Joder				49.50	45.83	
5	Steve Peck - Yan Drabek					45.50	42.13	

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Virtual Club Game - Tuesday, Aug 23 2022

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results
Pair#	Names				A	B	C	Score	%	MasterPoints			
1	George Abbott - Liz Hildebrandt			1	72.00	57.14	0.70 black (SC)
3	Roger Webb - Tim Joder		2			70.50	55.95	0.49 black (SA)
2	~~m6124 - Margaret Winslow	3			67.50	53.57	0.35 black (SA)
6	Markus Wagner - James Osofsky		2		67.00	53.17	0.28 black (SB)
4	Allison Ryan - Richard McClure				63.00	50.00	
7	Jan Nettler - Sheila Ryan				55.50	44.05	
5	Ann Wroblewski - Judith Larsen				45.50	36.11

1	Harold Weiner - Philippe Galaski1			78.00	61.90	0.70 black (SA)
6	~~m6128 - ~~m6132					70.00	55.56	
2	Yan Drabek - Barry Laflam		1		68.50	54.37	0.49 black (SB)
3	Stanley Tuhrim - Betty Mintz		2		64.00	50.79	0.35 black (SB)
5	Michael Ramella - Alan Peterfreund		1	61.00	48.41	0.16 black (SC)
7	Judith Hyde - Robert Sagor				56.50	44.84	
4	L. Mark Nelson - Judith Peck				43.00	34.13

Monday, August 22, 2022

2022 Western Mass Sectional Successful!

Face to Face Bridge is back! The 2022 Western Mass Sectional is in the books and it was a successful return of our Sectional. We had a total of 22 tables in play on Saturday and 13 tables on Sunday. Players were coming from New York, Connecticut and Cape Cod as well as lots of locals and everyone had a good time. The Northampton Bridge club had a great showing both days and we appreciated all the support from our club. Thank you Sheila Ryan and Judy Larsen for all the hard work you put in to prepare the event!

A few high finishes from our club:

Saturday August 13 Educational Foundation Open Pairs 

Philippe Galaski and Yan Drabek finished third earning 9.16 silver points. 
James Osofsky and Michael Heider finished fourth earning 6.87 silver points. 

Sunday August 14 Swiss Team Game 

James Osofsky and his team finished first earning 7.59 silver points. 

Judy Hyde's team finished fourth earning 3.20 silver points. Teammates: Robert Sagor, Robert Leitch, James Kronholm 

Motoko Oinaga and John Debbagis's team finished fifth earning 3.59 silver points. Teammates are from Southbury, CT.

James Nowill's team finished seventh earning 2.00 silver points. Teammates: Anne McCune, Kate Spencer, John Pieper

Peter and Judy Larsen Checking Vaccination Status

Inline for Registration 

Good see old pals

Philippe, Sharon, Michael, Ann, Jim N, Jim O, Yan, Bob, Sheila, Jim K. on 8/13

Hope you can join us on Wednesday, September 7th when we resume our 1 pm Wednesday afternoon game at the Christ United Methodist Church at 271 Rock Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Wednesday Games to Start In-Person Play on September 7!

The Northampton Bridge Club will resume in-person play on Wednesdays, at 1 pm., beginning September 7th. Games take place at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Rd (route 66) Northampton.

Anyone wishing to play duplicate bridge is welcome. For those who are interested in learning,or brushing up their game, contact Judy Hyde, club president, who is teaching a beginners class at 10 am Saturday mornings. She can be reached at judyquake@gmail.com.

Click here to register interest in finding a partner.

Players are asked to arrive at the game by 12:50, to allow proper game set-up. Masks are required.

New Stories from Tim and Kate!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Virtual Club Game - Thursday, Aug 18 2022

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results

Pair#	Names				A	B	C	Score	%	MasterPoints			
9	Roger Webb - Tim Joder		1			48.00	66.67	1.00 black (SA)
3	Liz Hildebrandt - Philippe Galaski2			41.00	56.94	0.70 black (SA)
10	Stanley Tuhrim - Betty Mintz			1	38.50	53.47	0.56 black (SC)
2	Alice Shearer - Judith Hyde		2		38.00	52.78	0.39 black (SB)
5	Jan Nettler - Sheila Ryan			2	36.50	50.69	0.28 black (SC)
7	Howard Lerner - David Rosnick				36.00	50.00	
6	Yan Drabek - ~~m24012					35.50	49.31	
1	Alan Peterfreund - Robert Sagor				34.50	47.92	
8	Myrna Butler - Muriel Dane				26.50	36.81	
4	Valerie Haggerty - Barry Laflam				25.50	35.42	


Winners of Unit 196 2021 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race

0 to 5 Julia Zhao South Deerfield MA 9.73
5 to 20 Peggy Thieriot Gt Barrington MA 14.13
20 to 50Marjorie Bruns Longmeadow MA 31.64
50 to 100 Judith Gowdy Cummingtom MA 51.72
100 to 200 Liz Hildebrandt Easthampton MA 102.58
200 to 300 Daniel Hoch Cummington MA 73.75
300 to 500 Judith McNutt Pittsfield MA 640.35
500 to 1000 Yan Drabek Florence MA 176.13
1000 to 1500 Howard Lipset Flanders NJ 127.05
1500 to 2500 Elaine Van Briggle Dalton MA 225.96
2500 to 3500 Robert Sagor Greenfield MA 231.46
3500 to 5000 Tim Joder Lanesborough MA 153.14
5000 to 7500 Philippe Galaski Florence MA 251.74

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Virtual Club Game - Tuesday, Aug 16 2022

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results
Pair#	Names				A	B	C	Score	%	MasterPoints			
5	Roger Webb - Philippe Galaski	1			98.00	66.67	0.80 black (SA)
1	Alan Frank - James Osofsky		1		75.50	51.36	0.56 black (SB)
2	Steve Peck - Yan Drabek				1	74.00	50.34	0.34 black (SC)
6	Kurt Schneider - Markus Wagner		2		74.00	50.34	0.34 black (SB)
4	Myrna Butler - Esther Bean				68.50	46.60	
8	Margaret Winslow - Tim Joder				67.00	45.58	
3	Ann Wroblewski - Judith Larsen				66.50	45.24	
7	David Rosnick - Alan Peterfreund			64.50	43.88	
2	~~m49526 - ~~m49533					86.50	58.84	
6	George Abbott - Liz Hildebrandt			1	85.00	57.82	0.80 black (SC)
1	Judith Hyde - Robert Sagor	3			83.50	56.80	0.56 black (SA)
3	Jan Nettler - Robert Leitch		2		75.50	51.36	0.40 black (SB)
4	Stanley Tuhrim - Betty Mintz				69.50	47.28	
7	Sheila Ryan - Barry Laflam				69.50	47.28	
5	Paul Burnham - Sonja Smith				68.00	46.26	
8	L. Mark Nelson - Judith Peck				50.50	34.35	

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Virtual Club Game - Thursday, Aug 11 2022

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results

Pair#	Names				A	B	C	Score	%	MasterPoints			
11	Margaret Winslow - Tim Joder	1			70.50	64.09	1.20 red (SA) 1.20 black (SA)
1	Liz Hildebrandt - Philippe Galaski2			63.00	57.27	0.84 red (SA) 0.84 black (SA)
4	James Kronholm - Robert Leitch		1		59.50	54.09	0.64 red (SB) 0.64 black (SB)
5	Howard Lerner - David Rosnick		2		58.50	53.18	0.45 red (SB) 0.45 black (SB)
3	Carole Spencer - Betty Youmans	5			57.00	51.82	0.22 red (SA) 0.22 black (SA)
8	Kurt Schneider - James Osofsky	5			57.00	51.82	0.22 red (SA) 0.22 black (SA)
9	Stanley Tuhrim - Betty Mintz		3		56.50	51.36	0.32 red (SB) 0.32 black (SB)
12	Sheila Ryan - Jan Nettler				50.50	45.91	
10	Peggy Thieriot - Fern Fleckman			1	50.00	45.45	0.32 red (SC) 0.32 black (SC)
7	Jane Fanning - Darlene Stone Adair			48.00	43.64	0.22 red (SC) 0.22 black (SC)
6	Gail Perry - Lanette Sweeney				47.00	42.73	
2	Valerie Haggerty - Barry Laflam				42.50	38.64	

Congratulations to Jan Nettler and Yan Drabek for their new rank!

Congratulations to Jan Nettler who attained her Silver Life Master and Yan Drabek who attained her Silver Life Master also! While we can’t throw them a party to celebrate the achievement, please congratulate them if you “see” them at the bridge table.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Virtual Club Game - Tuesday, Aug 09 2022

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results
Pair#	Names				A	B	C	Score	%	MasterPoints			
7	Paul Burnham - Sonja Smith	1			84.50	71.25	0.70 black (SA)
1	Roger Webb - Tim Joder		2			80.00	66.67	0.49 black (SA)
2	James Kronholm - Robert Leitch		1		64.00	54.00	0.40 black (SB)
4	Barry Laflam - James Nowill		2		59.00	49.67	0.28 black (SB)
3	George Abbott - Liz Hildebrandt			1	49.00	41.00	0.24 black (SC)
5	Ann Wroblewski - Judith Larsen				48.00	40.33	
6	Peggy Thieriot - Fern Fleckman				32.50	27.08
1	Harold Weiner - Philippe Galaski1			76.50	63.92	0.70 black (SA)
4	Allison Ryan - Richard McClure			1	66.50	55.92	0.49 black (SC)
7	Margaret Winslow - Yan Drabek	3			66.50	55.42	0.35 black (SA)
5	Alan Peterfreund - David Rosnick		2	63.00	53.33	0.28 black (SC)
3	Peter Thurrell - Judith Hyde				53.00	44.50	
2	Stanley Tuhrim - Betty Mintz				50.00	42.33	
6	Myrna Butler - Joan Levinson				41.50	34.58	

Friday, August 5, 2022

Wednesday games in August are cancelled!

Due to low attendance, Wednesday games in August are cancelled! It is planned that the in-person game on Wednesdays will return in September and played in our normal location:

Christ United Methodist Church

271 Rocky Hill Road, Northampton, MA 01062

Have a great summer and stay toned.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Virtual Club Game - Thursday, Aug 4 2022

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results
Pair#	Names				A	B	C	Score	%	MasterPoints			
3	Yan Drabek - Barry Laflam		1		69.00	62.73	1.20 black (SB)
2	Margaret Winslow - Tim Joder	2			65.50	59.55	0.84 black (SA)
11	~~m32548 - ~~m32551					65.00	59.09	
1	Stanley Tuhrim - Betty Mintz		2		60.50	55.00	0.51 black (SB)
6	Robert Leitch - Robert Sagor	4			60.50	55.00	0.51 black (SA)
10	Liz Hildebrandt - Philippe Galaski6			56.50	51.36	0.24 black (SA)
5	Allison Ryan - Richard McClure			1	54.50	49.55	0.27 black (SC)
8	Peggy Thieriot - Fern Fleckman			1	54.50	49.55	0.27 black (SC)
9	Alice Shearer - Judith Hyde				50.50	45.91	
7	Jacqueline Kennedy - Darlene Stone Adair		50.00	45.45	
12	Myrna Butler - John Pollard				38.00	34.55	
4	Howard Lerner - David Rosnick				35.50	32.27

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Online NAP - Tuesday, August 2, 2022

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results
Pair#	Names				A	B	C	Score	%	MasterPoints			
6	Kurt Schneider - Markus Wagner		1		108.50	64.58	0.90 Black (SB) 0.90 Red (SB)
8	Robert Leitch - Jan Nettler		2		94.50	56.25	0.63 Black (SB) 0.63 Red (SB)
3	Michael Ramella - Sharon Strassfeld		1	91.50	54.46	0.45 Black (SC) 0.45 Red (SC)
7	Muriel Dane - Allison Ryan		4		87.50	52.08	0.32 Black (SB) 0.32 Red (SB)
5	Judith Hyde - Robert Sagor				83.50	49.70	
1	James Osofsky - Alan Frank				77.50	46.13	
2	~~m58670 - ~~m58675					76.50	45.54	
9	Sheila Ryan - Judith Larsen				71.50	42.56	
4	Valerie Haggerty - Barry Laflam				65.00	38.69	
5	Steve Peck - Yan Drabek			1		102.50	61.01	0.90 Black (SB) 0.90 Red (SB)
8	Roger Webb - Philippe Galaski	2			100.50	59.82	0.63 Black (SA) 0.63 Red (SA)
2	Stanley Tuhrim - Betty Mintz		2		94.50	56.25	0.45 Black (SB) 0.45 Red (SB)
7	Myrna Butler - Esther Bean		3		84.00	50.00	0.32 Black (SB) 0.32 Red (SB)
3	Paul Burnham - Sonja Smith				82.00	48.81	
6	Margaret Winslow - Tim Joder				81.00	48.21	
4	George Abbott - Liz Hildebrandt			1	75.00	44.64	0.24 Black (SC) 0.24 Red (SC)
9	Susan McCoy - Alice Shearer				74.00	44.05	
1	Barbara Speight - Kathy Meyer				62.50	37.20