Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Our Club Photos - MEMORIES

My Brilliant Image - Hafiz

One day the sun admitted,
I am just a shadow.
I wish I could show you
The Infinite Incandescence
That has cast my brilliant image!
I wish I could show you,
When you are lonely or in darkness,
The astonishing Light
Of your own Being!
 Group Photo - Great Barrington, Aug 18 2024
Yan Drabek, Barry LaFlam, John DeBaggis and Motoko Oinaga, Great Barrington, Aug 18 2024
Sheila Ryan, Motoko Oinaga, Great Barrington, Aug 18 2024
Anita Thompson, John Dahl, Great Barrington, Aug 17 2024
Don Abel   Paul Bacon   Marlene Myers
 Group Photo Clarion Hotel, 2011
Irene Friedman Evie Glickman Clarion Hotel   Jim Kaplan, Charles Jackson Clarion Hotel
Myrna Butler Springfield Bridge Club   Roger Webb and Philippe Galaski, Springfield Bridge Club
Terry and John Sedgwick Springfield Bridge Club   Stan Fin and Pat Smith
Group Photo 2 Clarion Hotel 2011

 Paul Bacon, Barbara Jackson, Selma Cooley Springfield Bridge Club

Mrs Liu and Paul Bacon Florence Civic Center 1993    David Rock and Sonja Smith Springfield Bridge Club
 John Sedgwick, Paul Bacon, Jim Hastings Clarion Hotel

 Bob Sagor, Bill Strickland, Larry Mann Florence Civic Center 1993

 Charlie Keller, Dorothy Florence Civic Center 1993

 Chris Roberts, Paula Mann Florence Civic Center 1993

 Don Abel, Stan Finn, Chris Roberts Florence Civic Center 1993

 Mr. Liu Florence Civic Center 1993

 Mrs. Liu, Don Abel Florence Civic Center 1993

 Stan Finn, Karen Meenan Florence Civic Center 1993

Myrna Butler, Liz Lincoln, Sue Rudd Springfield Bridge Club

 Don Weld, Leo Sartori, Springfield Bridge Club

Don Weld, Paul Laliberte Springfield Bridge Club

Muriel Dane, Springfield Bridge Club

Irene Friedman, Hank Hewitt Clarion Hotel

Rick and Sally Gauthier Clarion Hotel

Springfield Bridge Club

Bernie Miller, Jim Osofsky Clarion Hotel

Rich McClure, Alan Peterfreund, Barry LaFlam, Norman Brown Clarion Hotel

Steve Peck, Shelly Cashdan, Earl Waterman, Eva Cashdan Clarion Hotel

Sue, Carol SBC

Sheila Ryan, Jim Nowill 2019

David Rusnick, Sheila Ryan, Jan Nettler at Philadelphia NABC 2018

Capitulation - Anonymous

I'm giving up bridge- Tonight's my last night
It's amen to Staymen, I give up the fight.
The insults and muddles are giving me troubles
And I can't sleep at night for thinking of doubles.

My cards are all rotten and I have forgotten
Who's played and what's trumps and what's gone on my right!
So for now it's all over- I'm off to the back wood
I'm bidding good-bye to Gerber and Blackwood.

I can't stand the hassle, I can't stand the pain
I'm getting those bad cards again and again.
So I'm giving up bridge- Tonight's a bad night.
Declarer is horrid and nothing's going right.

My partner's a dope and I'm losing all hope.
And when s/he says “double” I know we're in trouble.
My points are not high and I'm wondering why
S/he kept on bidding right up to the sky.

We're in seven spades and all my hope fades
When surprise,surprise, the high bidding pays!
We're winning all tricks, the defenders feel sick,
And I have to admit my partner's a brick.

But I'm giving up bridge- Tonight's my last night.!
Farewell to conventions- I give up the fight?
So I leave with few words but some that are true,
Bridge is a game- not for me but for you.

So be kind to your partners and don't mind their cheek.
For it's only a game- Oh! Yes. I'll see you next week.

Some Winners Pictures from District 25 Tournaments

Anita Thompson, John Dahl, Barbara Webb, NABC Toronto, 299er 2024
Allison Ryan and Richard McClure, Mansfield 299er flightB, 2018
Jan Netler and Sheila Ryan, Nashua Swiss, flightC, 2019

Mark and Liz Singer, North Falmouth, 299er, 2017

Bob Sagor and Yan Drabek, Nashua, Pro-AM, 2018

Mike and Fran Beckers, Sturbridge, 0-750 flightC, 2019

Roger Webb, Tim Joder, David Rock, Philippe Galaski, Cromwell, ABC Swiss flightB, 2016

Jim Nowill and Nora Miller, Hyannis Evening Silver Pairs, 2015

Jay Friedenson, Ruth Stokes, Robert Sagor, Jim Osofsky, Nashua, Single Session Swiss, 2015

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