Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Thursday, August 18, 2022


Winners of Unit 196 2021 Mini-McKenney Masterpoint Race

0 to 5 Julia Zhao South Deerfield MA 9.73
5 to 20 Peggy Thieriot Gt Barrington MA 14.13
20 to 50Marjorie Bruns Longmeadow MA 31.64
50 to 100 Judith Gowdy Cummingtom MA 51.72
100 to 200 Liz Hildebrandt Easthampton MA 102.58
200 to 300 Daniel Hoch Cummington MA 73.75
300 to 500 Judith McNutt Pittsfield MA 640.35
500 to 1000 Yan Drabek Florence MA 176.13
1000 to 1500 Howard Lipset Flanders NJ 127.05
1500 to 2500 Elaine Van Briggle Dalton MA 225.96
2500 to 3500 Robert Sagor Greenfield MA 231.46
3500 to 5000 Tim Joder Lanesborough MA 153.14
5000 to 7500 Philippe Galaski Florence MA 251.74

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