Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What do you bid?

Q1. Sitting South, with East dealing and no one vulnerable, you hold:
                      S Q 10 6 4
                      H A K
                      D A Q 10 5
                      C 10 8 7
East opens 1D. What do you bid?

A1. Avoid the temptation to double with any kind of opening hand, as so many players do. If partner responds 1H, you may be stuck in a six-card trump suit. Your hand is better suited for a 1NT overcall. You have the required 15-18 high-card points (give yourself something extra for what could be three diamond tricks) and even distribution.

Q2. Sitting South, with West dealing and both sides vulnerable, you hold:
                   S 4 3
                   H Q 6 2
                   D 7 3
                   C A K 9 7 5 4

The bidding has proceeded as follows:
         West            North             East            South
         Pass            1NT               Pass              ?
What do you bid?

A2. Virtually any time you have a choice between NoTrump and a minor suit, you’re better off in NoTrump. With nine HCP and a club suit probably worth at least five tricks, bid 3NT.

Q3. Sitting South and dealing, with East-West vulnerable, you hold:
                   S A J 6 5
                   H K 8
                   D A 9
                   C Q 9 7 6 4
What do you bid?

A3. Don’t even think about adding a point for your fifth club and opening 1NT. The suit doesn’t warrant it. Bid 1C.

Q4. Sitting South and dealing, with East-West vulnerable, you hold the same cards:
                   S A J 6 5
                   H K 8
                   D A 9
                   C Q 9 7 6 4
The bidding has proceeded as follows:
        South            West             North              East
         1C              Pass              1S                Pass

What do you bid?

A4. Your hand is now worth 16 support points with those doubletons. Bid 3S to show 16-18-point support.

Q5. Sitting South, with North dealing and North-South vulnerable, you hold:
                   S 6 4
                   H J 9 4
                   D J 8 6 3
                   C 9 8 7 6
The bidding has proceeded as follows:
            North              East               South               West
             2C                Pass                 2D                Pass
             2S                Pass                  ?

What do you bid?

A5. Unless partner bids 2NT after opening 2C, you are required to keep bidding. There’s a system widely in use for hands of this nature. By responding 2D, then 3C (alerted), you can show a bust.

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