Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Swiss Teams

Next week is the Annual Game which will start at 5:45 PM followed by a pairs game at 7:00 PM. This game requires prior registration and has an additional cost of $8.00. 

Swiss Team Game Tuesday Eve Session October 14, 2014
Scores after  4 rounds
Team   Wins   Score   Rank   MPs     
  4    4.00   58.00   1    1.10(O)  Eva Cashdan - Sheldon Cashdan - Susan McCoy - Lee Magee
 11    4.00   55.00   2    0.83(O)  Esther Bean - Donald Abel - Evalyn Glickman - Roger Miller
  8    2.00   49.00   3    0.62(O)  Evelyn Chesky - Norman Brown - Michael Ramella - Sharon Strassfeld
  7    3.00   46.00   4    0.46(O)  Anita Malachowski - Brooks Robards - James Kaplan - Charles Jackson
  3    2.00   42.00        0.18(S)  Philippe Galaski - Paul Bacon - Roger Webb - Leo Sartori
  9    2.00   40.00        0.18(S)  Sally Zigmond - Irene Friedman - Kate Spencer - Don Weld
  1    2.00   39.00        0.18(S)  Myrna Butler - Muriel Dane - Marlene Myers - Joan Levinson
  5    1.00   39.00        0.09(S)  Yan Drabek - Allison Ryan - Fran Becker - Mike Becker
  6    1.00   29.00        0.09(S)  Liz Hildebrandt - Richard McClure - Barry LaFlam - Kurt LePine
 10    1.00   25.00        0.09(S)  Robert Sagor - Steve Peck - James Nowill - Anne McCune
  2    0.00   18.00                 Judith Larsen - Ann Wroblewski - Ted Alcaide - Elizabeth Holtzman

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