Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Swiss Team Results - March 12, 2019

Click here to view results and hand records from the ACBL web site.
Click here to view results and hand records from the CommonGame web site.

Next week's games are on March 12, Tuesday at 7PM (Philippe's lesson starts at 6:10PM) and March 13 Wednesday at 12:30PM (Judy's lesson starts at 12:00PM).
Tuesday night game is SWISS Team game. If you have not signed up, please contact Philippe.
Games are held at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road, Northampton (DIRECTIONS...).
Please be at the game at least 10 minutes before the start, so we can start promptly;
last minute arrivals often cause delays.
Swiss Teams Tuesday Eve Session March 12, 2019
Scores after  4 rounds
Team   Wins   Score      Overall Rank      MPs     
                         A     B     C  
  2    4.00   61.00  C   1     1     1    1.00(OA) George Abbott - Liz Hildebrandt - Yan Drabek - Barry LaFlam
 10    3.50   56.00  B   2     2          0.75(OA) Roger Webb - Leo Sartori - Israel Koren - Robert Steinberg
  8    2.50   49.00  C   3     3          0.56(OA) French - Alan Peterfreund - Michael Ramella - Barbara Symborski
  4    2.00   42.00  B   4     4          0.42(OA) Fran Becker - Mike Becker - Eva Cashdan - Sheldon Cashdan
  9    2.00   39.00  B                    0.18(SA) Steve Peck - Muriel Dane - Marlene Myers - Joan Levinson
  1    1.00   36.00  B                    0.09(SA) Judy Hyde - Jan Nettler - Sheila Ryan - James Osofsky
  3    2.00   35.00  B                    0.18(SA) Richard McClure - Alice Shearer - Susan McCoy - James Nowill
  5    1.00   32.00  C                    0.09(SA) Barbara M Scher - Marlene Buchanan - Stanley Moulton - DAVE NADROSKI
  6    1.00   30.00  A                    0.09(SA) Paul Bacon - Philippe Galaski - John Sedgwick - James Hastings
  7    1.00   20.00  B                    0.09(SA) Evelyn Chesky - Allison Ryan - Evalyn Glickman - Motoko Oinaga

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