Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Game Results - Mar 11 2020

Games are CANCELLED Effective March 16!!!
No Games Until At Least April 6 following Gov. Baker's directives!
The board will reassess the situation then. Please check back soon.
Be Healthy!

ACBL Live Results
CommonGame Results
Board  2 pair 4 - Drabek & Sedgwick vs 7 - DeBaggis & Hyde
   The result was entered for the wrong side. It should be 2S by W making 2 +110 for EW, not 2S by S.
Board 26 pair 1 - Glickman & Nettler vs 2 - Spencer & Ryan
   The contract was entered wrong. It should be 4C by S making 6 +170 for NS, not 4D by S.

Wednesday Afternoon Pairs Wednesday Aft Session March 11, 2020
Scores after  7 rounds  Average:   70.0      Section  A  North-South
Pair    Pct   Score      Section Rank      MPs     
                         A     B     C  
  4   67.29   94.20  A   1                0.70(A)  Yan Drabek - John Sedgwick
  5   57.86   81.00  A   2                0.49(A)  Paul Bacon - Philippe Galaski
  1   49.50   69.30  A   3                0.35(A)  Evalyn Glickman - Jan Nettler
  3   47.36   66.30  C         1     1    0.24(B)  Jan Carmien - Barbara Welch
  2   40.80   57.12  B                             Maud Fischer - Paul Aronson
  6   36.21   50.70  C                             Karen A. French - Arlene Nolan

Wednesday Afternoon Pairs Wednesday Aft Session March 11, 2020
Scores after  7 rounds  Average:   70.0      Section  A  East-West
Pair    Pct   Score      Section Rank      MPs     
                         A     B     C  
  7   58.44   81.81  A   1                0.70(A)  John DeBaggis - Judy Hyde
  3   55.66   77.93  B   2     1          0.49(A)  Bob Leitch - Jim Kronholm
  2   53.50   74.90  B   3     2          0.35(A)  Kate Spencer - Allison Ryan
  4   51.91   72.68  C               1    0.24(C)  Betty Jacobson - Kathy Meyer
  5   44.50   62.30  B                             Barry LaFlam - James Nowill
  6   44.44   62.21  C                             Marlyn Jabaily - Barbara Symborski
  1   41.75   58.45  C                             Jeannie Jones - Susan Lantz

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