Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Masterpoint Race for 2022 - Ending January 27, 2022

[Editor's Note] This report was compiled based on the ACBL Live Results for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Northampton virtual club games only for 2022. And only players who played at our club prior to the Covid-19 lock down were included. Please report any discrepancies to Yan. To see past Masterpoint Race reports, click here.

1Tim Joder9.46
2Philippe Galaski8.19
3Liz Hildebrandt6.76
4Roger Webb5.65
5Jan Nettler5.49
6Margaret Winslow5.26
7Judith Hyde4.98
8Markus Wagner4.66
9Sheila Ryan3.79
10Robert Sagor3.68
11Yan Drabek3.37
12George Abbott3.30
13Robert Leitch3.18
14James Nowill3.16
15James Osofsky2.45
16James Kronholm2.35
17Alan Peterfreund1.83
18Motoko Oinaga1.79
19John Debaggis1.60
20William Scott1.59
21David Rosnick1.59
22Gail Perry1.40
23J Goldsmith1.18
24Myrna Butler1.17
25Michael Ramella1.13
26Judith Larsen1.12
27Esther Bean1.06
28Peter Thurrell1.00
29Alice Shearer0.96
30Jeannie Jones0.96
31Paul Bacon0.95
32Jean Johansson0.90
33Allison Ryan0.87
34Barry Laflam0.86
35Sonja Smith0.80
36Israel Koren0.74
37Robert Steinberg0.74
38Alan Frank0.63
39John Pollard0.50
40Susan McCoy0.48
41Harold Weiner0.42
42Lanette Sweeney0.40
43Lesley Dearden0.39
44Steve Peck0.35
45Fern Fleckman0.35
46Peggy Thieriot0.35
47Ann Wroblewski0.28
48Suzanne Cohen0.28
49Elizabeth Singer0.22
50Mark Singer0.22

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