Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Upgraded Club Championship Game (Inperson) - Wednesday September 14, 2022

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results
Pair#	Names				A	B	C	Score	%	MasterPoints			
8	Robert Sagor - James Osofsky	1			26.50	73.61	2.63 Black (OA)
4	Philippe Galaski - Yan Drabek	2			23.00	63.89	1.97 Black (OA)
6	Esther Bean - Irene Friedman	3	1		19.00	52.78	1.48 Black (OB)
2	John DeBaggis - Motoko Oinaga		2	1	17.00	47.22	0.55 Black (OC)
1	Fred Halper - Barbara Symborski				14.50	40.28	
7	Barry LaFlam - Judy Hyde				13.50	37.50	
3	Kathy Meyer - Anita Malachowski				12.50	34.72	

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