Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Sunday, September 3, 2023

Masterpoint Race (In-Person Games) - January 1 2023 to August 31 2023

[Editor's Note] The Masterpoint Race report (top 50 shown) was compiled based on the ACBL Live Results for Northampton club games only for 2023. The following result is from our In-Person games which include Wednesdays games at the church and games at Amherst College. Please report any discrepancies to Yan. To see past Masterpoint Race reports, click here.

Also, you may check out The Daily Gazette on Saturdays each week. The Life section prints information about our club, and the masterpoint winners from the Tuesday and Wednesday games for that week. You can tell your family and friends to look out for your names in the paper!

1Philippe Galaski28.59
2John DeBaggis25.91
3Judith Hyde25.16
4Barry LaFlam18.58
5YuFeng Xiao16.26
6Motoko Oinaga15.46
7Yan Drabek14.76
8Susan Daily13.06
9Carol Fricker13.06
10Sheila Ryan12.76
11Randolph Johnson10.48
12Ann Hudson10.48
13James Nowill10.39
14Jan Nettler8.87
15Allison Ryan8.24
16Kathy Meyer7.93
17Robert Leitch7.12
18James Kronholm7.12
19Karen A. French7.04
20Arlene Nolan7.04
21Irene Friedman6.43
22Lesley Dearden6.08
23Esther Bean5.42
24John Sedgwick5.35
25Teresa Sedgwick5.35
26Anita Malachowski4.91
27Dave Laplant4.85
28Kathy Hicks4.85
29William Sprenkle4.58
30David Peloquin4.58
31Kate Spencer3.82
32Jan Carmien3.54
33Barbara Welch3.54
34Judith Rosenblum3.38
35Jeannie Jones3.01
36Alice Shearer3.01
37Robert Minsky2.58
38James Osofsky2.46
39Richard McClure2.19
40James Kaplan1.69
41Brooks Robards1.69
42Alan Frank1.59
43Judith Larsen1.20
44Liz Singer0.95
45William Han0.86
46Michael Starr0.83
47Roger Webb0.63
48Thomas Ye0.63
49Barbara Symborski0.57
50Lanette Sweeney0.40

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