Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Thursday, September 7, 2023

Virtual Club Game - Thursday, Sept 7 2023

Next week's games are Tuesday Sept 12 at 7pm on BBO, Wed Sept 13 at the church, and Thursday Sept 14 at 7pm on BBO.

Mark your calendar for these upcoming special games:
  • Sept 12 7PM on BBO - Swiss Team game (International Fund game)
    If you want to play, click here to sign up.
  • Sept 14 7PM on BBO - International Fund game
  • Sept 17 2PM at the Power House - Amherst College - International Fund game
  • Sept 20 1PM at the church - International Fund game

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results
Pair# 	Names                  	 	A     	B     	C     	Score 	%     	MasterPoints     
3	~~m25845 - Cynthia Monroe	1			76.50	69.55	1.20 Black (SA)
9	Philippe Galaski - Liz Hildebrandt	1		64.50	58.64	0.84 Black (SA)
10	Margaret Winslow - Tim Joder	3			63.00	57.27	0.60 Black (SA)
5	Stanley Tuhrim - Betty Mintz		2		62.00	56.36	0.45 Black (SB)
6	Barry Laflam - Yan Drabek			1	60.50	55.00	0.32 Black (SB)
11	Alan Peterfreund - Robert Sagor				59.50	54.09	
1	Candace Dickinson - Don Farver				55.00	50.00	
8	~~m25846 - Paul Wright Jr				54.00	49.09	
4	~~m25847 - Helene Lavertu				53.00	48.18	
2	Carroll Beckham - Judith Larsen			2	38.50	35.00	0.22 Black (SC)
7	Michael Ramella - Sharon Strassfeld			37.00	33.64	
12	Peggy Thieriot - Fern Fleckman				36.50	33.18	

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