Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Virtual Club Game - Tuesday, Dec 12 2023

We have these SPECIAL games coming up:
  • Dec 13 1PM in-person at the church - Charity game
  • Dec 14 7PM on BBO - Pro/Am game
  • Jan 10 1PM in-person at the church - STaC game (SILVER points!)

ACBL Results
CommonGame Results

An explanation about today's lineup. At 7pm we had 7 tables with just one bot (playing with Dave Rosnick). Game set to be 21 boards 7 rounds. Then another player registered with a bot and immediately the game started. With 7.5 tables another bot-bot pair had to be added, now 8 tables. Then in the middle of the game the person with a bot dropped out. Now that human-bot pair became a bot-bot pair. That's why you see two bot-bot pairs. Last minute regestration really mess things up! From now on, I will set the maximum number allowed 3 minutes before the game start. No exceptions. No last minute signons! -- Yan

Pair# 	Names                  	 	A     	B     	C     	Score 	%     	MasterPoints   
4	Israel Koren - Robert Steinberg			1	88.50	60.20	0.80 Black (SC)
3	Roger Webb - Tim Joder		2			81.00	55.33	0.56 Black (SA)
2	Harold Weiner - Philippe Galaski3			71.50	49.55	0.40 Black (SA)
7	Richard McClure - Allison Ryan			2	70.00	48.87	0.34 Black (SC)
6	George Abbott - Liz Hildebrandt				68.50	47.22	
8	Robert Leitch - Judith Hyde				68.50	46.94	
1	Barry Laflam - James Nowill				68.00	46.71	
5	Myrna Butler - Joan Levinson				65.00	45.18

8	Yufeng Xiao - Yan Drabek			1	102.00	70.52	0.80 Black (SC)
3	~~m1349 - ~~m1187					83.00	57.20	
4	Sheila Ryan - Jan Nettler		2		77.50	52.83	0.56 Black (SB)
6	Amanda Chohfi - Esther Bean		3		75.50	52.27	0.40 Black (SB)
5	Sharon Strassfeld - Michael Ramella			70.50	48.98	
1	~~m1117 - ~~m4174					70.50	47.96	
2	~~m1118 - David Rosnick					62.00	42.57	
7	Ann Wroblewski - Judy Larsen				40.00	27.66	

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