Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Unit Championship - Saturday, Oct 5, 2024

Thank you for attending our annual meeting on Oct 5. To read Yan's speech, please click here.

We have these SPECIAL games coming up:

ACBL Results

       				Str		Overall			Section
Pair# 	Names                  	 		A	B	C	A     	B     	C     	Score 	%     	MasterPoints      
5	Liz Hildebrandt - Philippe GalaskiA	1			1			124.44	74.07	4.30 Black (SA)
8	Thomas Ye - Jonah McDonald	C	4	1	1	2	1	1	94.85	56.46	1.81 Black (SA)
10	James Nowill - Jeannie Jones	A				3			90.06	53.61	0.94 Black (SA)
6	Sheila Ryan - Jan Nettler	A				4			82.00	48.81	0.70 Black (SA)
2	Judith Bollinger - Bernadette BourgoinC					2	2	77.84	46.33	0.53 Black (SB)
3	Sandra Walters - Valarie Salon	A							76.47	45.52	
9	Judy Rosenblum - Katja Jarrell	C							74.13	44.13	
1	Judy Larsen - Ann Wroblewski	C							71.05	42.29	
4	John Dahl - Susan McCoy		B							65.14	38.77	
10	Barry LaFlam - Yan Drabek	A	2			1			103.11	61.38	3.22 Black (SA)
7	Carol Fricker - Susan Daily	A	3			2			95.35	56.76	2.42 Black (SA)
6	Anita Thompson - Barbara Webb	C	5	2	2	3	1	1	94.77	56.41	1.36 Black (SA)
9	Michael Zheng - Hank Hsu	C	6	3	3	4	2	2	94.29	56.13	1.02 Black (SA)
4	John DeBaggis - Don Weld	B		4					89.42	53.23	0.62 Black (OB)
3	Jim Kronholm - Bob Leitch	A							82.77	49.27	
1	Brooks Robards - James Kaplan	A							77.78	46.30	
5	Ann Hudson - Randolph Johnson	A							73.81	43.93	
2	Kathleen Love - Pat Watroba	C							67.94	40.44	
8	Emily Tan - Maggie Su		C							65.71	39.11	

Pair# 	Names                  		Score 	%     	MasterPoints   
3	Claire Mach - Mina Safizdeh	5.00	83.33	
5	Doreen Weinburger - Claire Hut	4.80	80.00	
6	Marylee Foisy - MARGE ZYBALLA	2.80	46.67	
4	Linda Shea - Urshula Wood	2.80	46.67	
2	Anita Malachowski - Diane Hobbs	2.00	33.33	
1	Sarah Darling - Eileen Ball	1.80	30.00	

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