Welcome! The Northampton Bridge Club welcomes anyone who wishes to play duplicate bridge. Online open pair games are played on https://www.bridgebase.com/ at 7:00PM on Tuesdays; In-person games are played @1:00PM on Wednesdays at the Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Route 66) in Northampton.

If you need a partner, look HERE first, or contact Philippe at phgalaski@gmail.com for help.

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Saturday, January 11, 2020

Supervised Novice Game

sponsored by the Northampton Bridge Club
Saturday, January 18th . 1:30-3:30 (approx.)
Lathrop community house, Northampton
This game is for players with 0-10 master points.

Judy Hyde and Jan Nettler will be on hand to help you with your bidding. All you need to do is raise your hand. You will be on your own figuring out how to play the hand. They will also help with scoring.

A $2 fee will be collected, making it possible to award Cash prizes for winners!

You need to preregister by emailing Judy Hyde at judyquake@gmail.com. You can register with a partner or not - partnerships for solos will be arranged.

You can help this become a monthly event by giving it a try.

Register today!

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